-James Asu-
Every individual born into this world is given or endowed with a goldmine, with which to make a difference. But it is a pity that so many people have not really discovered or maximized their treasures of inestimable value, which is their source of wealth. And unless the door leading to where the goldmine has been kept is unlocked, gaining entrance or accessing the bounties of goodies therein will be very tedious and extremely difficult.
The Oxford Great Encyclopedic Dictionary defines “GOLDMINE” as ‘a source of wealth’. So before you as a person can make any difference in your world through the use of your goldmine, you need to unlock the door where your potentials and talents are kept, by using the appropriate keys to keep the door open and easily accessible. On this note and for your utmost good, I am glad to present these six keys to you, promising you of their workability, if properly used and appropriately applied to the right lock. Your future is in your hand, and you have at your disposal all the necessary keys that will unlock every lock leading to your goldmine.
Come along with me, as I unveil the procedures and ways by which you can unlock your goldmine, through the application of the keys which are highlighted below:
UNDERSTAND THE REASON FOR YOUR CREATION: No one born on this earth is born for nothing but for something. And failure to define and confine oneself in his or her major area of calling and giftedness is what had caused frustration and depression to humanity as a whole. When the purpose of a thing is unknown, then misuse or abuse of it, is inevitable. As a person you have the capacity to make exploit but without the knowledge of the reason for your existence, you will be exploited. It is the knowing of your existence that makes you fit to do exploit.
NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE POWER: You are a being of an inestimable value. Your worth is too precious to be overlooked or underrated. Keep a deaf ear to anyone who says you can’t succeed or make it to the feat of fame or zenith of accomplishment and fulfilment in life. You have been well and fully packaged by GOD with creative and innovative power and ability. Your creator cannot be creative and you His creation be or remain a dull or a dummy person. Creativity is an asset entrusted to YOU as a special gift to benefit humanity with. If truly we are genuinely created in the image and likeness of GOD that automatically guarantees and gives us the assurance of our possession of creative and innovative power both to invent and to discover new and profound ways of doing things.
LOCATE YOUR AREA OF CALLING AND STICK IN THERE: It is only in your place of location that you can find real satisfaction. What profession or career can you pursue and perform well in, with passion and affection? Locate it. Stick to it because that’s your area of calling. Pursue it with all the strength and faith in you. Are you skilled, trained or gifted in a particular profession? It is a must for you to position yourself in one or more profession that you are really good at and expert in, that is a determinant of your location. Your location might be to work under or with an organization or corporation, do it with passion and affection. You must always strive to add your quota to the betterment, development and advancement of the establishment you are currently working with, remembering that whatever goes around usually comes around. Do you have a flair for helping the destitute, hopeless and helpless to secure a life of meaning and hope? I am so impressed to tell you that that is your area of calling; you only need to stick in there. Or better still, can you sing a beautiful song, draw a wonderful artwork or you have the ability to make people laugh or organize insightful program or you can compose or write a powerful write-ups and articles? If you can do any of the above, or all of the professions and careers aforementioned, then you have found your location. So my dear, you only need to stick to it and keep doing it and don’t deviate from it. The only key that can guarantee or give you lasting success and happiness is sticking to the right course, without deviating or losing focus. A distorted focus can lead to a smashed destiny. So despites the hurdles and obstacles on your way, in your place of calling, never lose hope; keep your hope alive and burning anew. You can keep your spirit afire by these words spoken to Dr. Sunny Obazu Ojeagbase during his trying times by his mentor, it reads: “But this is not the time to throw in the towel. Yes I know it’s tough but you must hang in there.” This remarkable saying have kept my spirit burning with more passion towards my mission and I’m seeing my vision more clearer, sharper and attainable and it has really helped me to remain in my place of calling and fulfilling my life’s assignment with more strength, faith, energy and enthusiasm. It can help you as well, if you can adopt and live by it all the days of your life. Stick-to-it-tive-ness is the key to greatness and unlocking the door to your goldmine.
OVERCOME THE TEMPTATION TO GIVE UP BEFORE YOU GET TO THE TOP: A Quitter will never win in a race; it takes only a “Can do” and a “Can conquer” ability and attitude to win in the race of life. You will always get what you bargain for, from life. If you think you can’t, you’re right and also if you think you can, you are very right. And that you are tempted to quit or give up on your dream and aspiration does not mean you’re weak, it does depict that you have to top it up, with a Can-do spirit and keep pressing forward towards the attainment and fulfilment of your life’s assignment. If people or devil cannot stop Jesus Christ the saviour and warrior of the World from fulfilling His mission on earth. I strongly believe with the help of God, no legion or battalion of demonic or satanic forces and powers can ruin your destiny or thwart your dream from becoming a reality. Listen to this: You will always be tempted to give up on your dream, it’s not a curse but an indispensable truth and fact, you only need to persevere, re-fire and press forward until you get hold of or grasp your goldmine. You won’t die unfulfilled or filled, you are created to succeed and fulfil your destiny in life and I pray nothing whatsoever, in Heaven, on earth or in the sea will ever be able to cut you short before your time. Amen.
CREATE AN AVENUE TO SHOWCASE YOUR SKILL, TALENT AND POTENTIAL: The utilization of your potential will make you influential and preferential among your colleagues, counterparts and superiors. Bill W.Wayman has this to say: “If you don’t stick out from the crowd, if you don’t make yourself noticed, no one is ever going to find you where you are”. That was an indispensable and irrevocable fact. Have you ever asked yourself this question, ever since you were born into this world? What am I really doing with the gift, talent and skill that I have, even from where I am right now? Really you can take or drag a horse to the river but you can’t force it to drink there in. In the same vein, the survival of your potential is very much dependent on your arrival at the right place where your gift can be fully displayed and showcased. It might be within a small gathering or setting where your ideas and skills are highly needed. Never overlooked your days of small beginning, knowing this, that no superstar or megastar ever starts or begins anything worthwhile in life without first starting in a small way before taking it a bit higher due to their focus and firmness of purpose in the direction of their dreams. They are all able to arrive at the pinnacle of greatness and peak of success due to unlocking their goldmine by displaying their gifts and talents in their location and at various occasions. Listen to this: No matter how fully gifted or highly skilled a person is, he or she is not fit for living or good for anything , without utilizing his or her goldmine. And no one is ever going to celebrate you or your success, without you first showcasing what you’ve got or done.
KEEP LEARNING, MAXIMIZING AND MARKETING YOUR GIFT, SKILL, AND TALENT: The only powerful key that can make and keep the door to your goldmine permanently open is the quality of your gift. Your gift will make room for you, if you can just utilize it. And failure to make use of your talent or skill will bar you from gaining entrance to access your goldmine. Does your earning capacity seems so low or smaller than what you expect, despite the fact that you have put in every of your skill, then you’ve got to check your learning ability? Do you discard or disregard learning and developing your talent to seek quick cash or meteoric fame and fortune? You’ve got to learn more before you can earn more. Take note of this; the higher your learning ability, the greater your earning capacity. It is what you know that determines how you grow. And you can’t grow beyond what you know. So nothing easily incapacitates or hinders a person from performing at his or her highest level than low or no learning skill. And when you try to skip upgrading your learning skill, it will dwindle and kill that skill. Do you know that, no one born into this world is an island, so never live in isolation but rather keep the right association and keep learning, maximizing and marketing all the treasures that GOD has endowed you with? And do you know that your greatest source of wealth in life lies greatly in the unlocking of the door to your goldmine? You have all what it takes to fulfil your God-given destiny and life’s purpose. I am leaving you with this insightful piece from Bishop David Oyedepo: “There is a treasure in your nature that you can use to terminate all your pressures in life.” I advice you: Go for that treasure and use it to unlock the door to your goldmine.
JAMES ASU. (An Advocate, Apostle and Believer of a new NIGERIA .)
Monday, January 4, 2010
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